Early Career Framework
The Early Career Framework...
- provides a two year induction programme for teachers in the first two years of their career
- is an entitlement for all Early Career Teachers
- is support not assessment – the assessment of Early Career Teachers is still against the Teachers’ Standards
- builds on initial teacher training providing a joined up 3 year continuum from ITT through first two years of teaching as part of the DfE’s “golden thread”
Implementing the ECF successfully requires time for ECTs and mentors
Schools have three options for implementing the Early Career Framework:
- A funded, provider-led programme offering training for ECTs and mentors.
- Use the DfE-accredited materials to deliver their own ECT training.
- Design and deliver their own ECF-based training programme.
TSH Berkshire has partnered with UCL Institute of Education, one of the six national ECF providers, to deliver the Full Induction Programme across the region.
You can watch a recording of our introductory session about the ECF and UCL’s programme here or below.
More information about UCL’s programme can be found here.
For more information about the Early Career Framework, visit the DfE website here.
Our Local Area Co-ordinators...
TSH Berkshire operates a devolved model of delivery, with Local Area Coordinators from our partner schools organising the programme and local training sessions. See below for contact details:
Name | School | Area | |
Stacy Mason | Langley Grammar | StacyMason@lgs.slough.sch.uk | Slough |
Aoife Noctor | Windsor Girls | dohea001@windsorgirls.net | RBWM |
Alex Powley | The Keys Academy Trust | DL@keysacademytrust.org | Reading/Wokingham (primary) |
Rob Buck | Maiden Erlegh | r.buck@maidenerleghtrust.org | Reading/Wokingham (secondary) |
Karen McDowell | The Downs School | KMcDowell@thedownsschool.org | West Berkshire (primary) |
Kathy Hersh | St Bartholomew’s School | Khersh@stbarts.co.uk | West Berkshire (secondary) |
Sharon Kemp Anna Loveday |
S7 | Contact Sharon Kemp in the first instance: Officer@s7colleges.com |
S7 Sixth Form Colleges Group |