BBO Maths hub, covering Slough, Windsor and Maidenhead

Visit the BBO Maths hub website here.
To view the latest edition of BBO’s newsletter, please either download the pdf or view it online here
The BBO Maths Hub are running a transition programme designed to encourage collaborative working between primary and secondary schools in Maths in the Bucks and Berks area. This project is for both primary and secondary schools, to find out more, click here.
Applications Open to Join the Teaching for Mastery – Development Project in 2024/25:- Every year, the Maths Hub looks to engage schools that have not yet begun the Teaching for Mastery journey in the project, and they are delighted to announce that applications have now opened to take part in 2024/25.
There is a wealth of information about Mastery on the NCETM website.
The Teaching for Mastery Programme is a professional development opportunity designed to support teachers in state-funded schools to develop best practice in maths in your school. To find out more about how your school can get involved in this fully funded project in 2024/25, head to the relevant page on our website using the links below:
Primary Teaching for Mastery – Development
Secondary Teaching for Mastery - Development
For further information about submitting your application to join the Teaching for Mastery Development Project in 2024/25, click here.
For primary schools that are not quite ready to join the project yet, BBO Maths has the Mastery Readiness programme which will prepare for implementing a teaching for mastery approach. Find out more and apply via the following page:
Primary Teaching for Mastery – Readiness
To find out about all of BBO Maths hubs work groups and opportunities for 2024/25 click here, please note that all of the work groups are free. You can contact BBO Maths hub here to discuss the best programme for you and your department.
BBO Maths Hub has an opportunity to get involved in one of five programmes offered by the NCTEM and Maths Hubs designed to develop teachers as experts in teaching for mastery and the leadership of professional development.
To apply follow the links below to visit the webpage of the programme you are interested in applying for and download and read the information document. When you have secured the support of your headteacher/senior leader, complete the online application form. The closing date for applications is Friday 29 March at 5pm.
·Further Education Mastery Specialist
·Professional Development Lead
To find out more about BBO Maths hub, click here.
To find all the latest from BBO Maths Hub see below.